
Listed below are publications authored by VDL faculty and staff. When available, the pubmed abstract is linked. 

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Estrada, A. A., Gottschalk, M., Rendahl, A., Rossow, S., Marshall-Lund, L., Marthaler, D. G., & Gebhart, C. J. (2021). Proposed virulence-associated genes of Streptococcus suis isolates from the United States serve as predictors of pathogenicity. Porcine Health Management, 7(1), 22.

Jahan, N. A., Godden, S. M., Royster, E., Schoenfuss, T. C., Gebhart, C., Timmerman, J., & Fink, R. C. (2021). Evaluation of the matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) system in the detection of mastitis pathogens from bovine milk samples. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 182, 106168.

Kumar, P., Sharafeldin, T. A., Kumar, R., Huang, Q., Liang, Y., Goyal, S. M., … Mor, S. K. (2021). Development of a Recombinant Pichinde Virus-Vectored Vaccine against Turkey Arthritis Reovirus and Its Immunological Response Characterization in Vaccinated Animals. Pathogens, 10(2), 197.

Trevisan, G., Linhares, L. C. M., Schwartz, K. J., Burrough, E. R., Magalhães, E. D. S., Crim, B., Dooby, P.,  Main, R. Gauger, P., Thurn, M., Lages, P., Corzo, C., Torrison, J., Henningson, J., Herrman, E., McGaughey, R., Cino, G., Greseth, J., Clement,  T.,Christopher-Hennings, J., Linhares, D. C. L. (2021). Data standardization implementation and applications within and among diagnostic laboratories: integrating and monitoring enteric coronaviruses. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 104063872110021.

Wolf, T. M., Chenaux-Ibrahim, Y. M., Isaac, E. J., Wünschmann, A., & Moore, S. A. (2021). Neonate health and calf mortality in a declining population of North American moose (Alces alces americanus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 57(1).

Wünschmann, A., Armién, A. G., & Carstensen, M. (2021). Pathology in Practice. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 258(3), 269–272.

Wünschmann, A., Lopez-Astacio, R., Armién, A. G., Reed, L., & Parrish, C. R. (2021). Parvovirus-induced encephalitis in a juvenile raccoon. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 33(1), 140–143.


Aboubakr, H. A., Sharafeldin, T. A., & Goyal, S. M. (2020). Stability of SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses in the environment and on common touch surfaces and the influence of climatic conditions: A review. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, (June), 1–17.

Buzoianu, S. G., Firth, A. M., Putrino, C., & Vannucci, F. (2020). Early-life intake of an isotonic protein drink improves the gut microbial profile of piglets. Animals, 10(5), 1–14.

Carvallo, F. R., Uzal, F. A., Flores, C., Diab, S. S., Giannitti, F., Crossley, B., & Wünschmann, A. (2020). Alimentary necrobacillosis in alpacas. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 32(2), 339–343.

Fetrow, J., Royster, E., Morin, D., Molgaard, L., Wingert, D., Yost, J., Overton, M., Apley, M., Godden, S., Chebel, R., Cramer, G., Sorge U., Schefers, J., Goldsmith, T., Anderson, D., Hanzlicek, G., Dwyer, K., Dwyer, L. (2020). Development and Implementation of a National Center of Excellence in Dairy Production Medicine Education for Veterinary Students: Description of the Effort and Lessons Learned. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 47(3), 250–262.

Hayer, S. S., Rovira, A., Olsen, K., Johnson, T. J., Vannucci, F., Rendahl, A., Alvarez, J. (2020). Prevalence and time trend analysis of antimicrobial resistance in respiratory bacterial pathogens collected from diseased pigs in USA between 2006–2016. Research in Veterinary Science, 128(August 2019), 135–144.

Kumar, P., Sharafeldin, T. A., Kumar, R., Huang, Q., Liang, Y., Goyal, S. M., Mor, S. K. (2021). Development of a Recombinant Pichinde Virus-Vectored Vaccine against Turkey Arthritis Reovirus and Its Immunological Response Characterization in Vaccinated Animals. Pathogens, 10(2), 197.

Moldgy, A., Nayak, G., Aboubakr, H. A., Goyal, S. M., & Bruggeman, P. J. (2020). Inactivation of virus and bacteria using cold atmospheric pressure air plasmas and the role of reactive nitrogen species. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 53(43), 434004.

Morin, D. E., Royster, E., Johnson-Walker, Y. J., Molgaard, L., & Fetrow, J. (2020). Effects of an 8-Week Dairy Production Medicine Course on Veterinary Student Self-Confidence and Perceptions of Knowledge and Skills Used by Dairy Veterinarians. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 47(3), 290–306.

Nayak, G., Andrews, A. J., Marabella, I., Aboubakr, H. A., Goyal, S. M., Olson, B. A., Bruggeman, P. J. (2020). Rapid inactivation of airborne porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus using an atmospheric pressure air plasma. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 17(10), 1900269.

Rowe, S., Godden, S., Nydam, D. V., Gorden, P., Lago, A., Vasquez, A., Royster, E., Timmerman, J., Thomas, M. (2020). Evaluation of rapid culture, a predictive algorithm, esterase somatic cell count and lactate dehydrogenase to detect intramammary infection in quarters of dairy cows at dry-off. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 179, 104982.

Royster, E., Morin, D. E., Molgaard, L., Wingert, D., & Fetrow, J. (2020). Methods Used to Assess Student Performance and Course Outcomes at the National Center of Excellence in Dairy Production Medicine Education for Veterinarians. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 47(3), 263–274.

Sobhy, N. M., Armién, A. G., Wünschmann, A., Muldoon, D., Goyal, S. M., & Mor, S. K. (2020). Detection and molecular characterization of kobuvirus from diarrheic goats in Minnesota. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 32(6), 873–879.

Sponheim, A., Alvarez, J., Fano, E., Schmaling, E., Dee, S., Hanson, D., Pieters, M. (2020). Comparison of the sensitivity of laryngeal swabs and deep tracheal catheters for detection of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in experimentally and naturally infected pigs early and late after infection. Veterinary Microbiology, 241.

Tan, S., Dvorak, C. M. T., Estrada, A. A., Gebhart, C., Marthaler, D. G., & Murtaugh, M. P. (2020). MinION sequencing of Streptococcus suis allows for functional characterization of bacteria by multilocus sequence typing and antimicrobial resistance profiling. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 169, 105817.

Trevisan, G., Linhares, L. C. M., Crim, B., Dubey, P., Schwartz, K. J., Burrough, E. R., Wang, C., Main, R. G., Sundberg, P., Thurn, M., Lages, P. T. F., Corzo, C. A., Torrison, J., Henningson, J., Herrman, E., Hanzlicek, G. A., Raghavan, R., Marthaler, D., Greseth, J., Clement, T., Christopher-Hennings, J., Muscatello, D., Linhares, D. C. L. (2020). Prediction of seasonal patterns of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus RNA detection in the U.S. swine industry. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 1–7.

Manning, L. K., Wünschmann, A., Armién, A. G., Willette, M., MacAulay, K., Bender, J. B., … Redig, P. (2019). Lead Intoxication in Free-Ranging Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). Veterinary Pathology, 56(2), 289–299.

Yeske, P., Valeris-Chacin, R., Singer, R. S., & Pieters, M. (2020). Survival analysis of two Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae eradication methods. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 174(August 2019), 104811.

Torii EH* and Olson EJ. Canine adenovirus type-1 encephalitis in a puppy. Presented as a poster at the concurrent virtual annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP), the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ASVCP), and the International Society for Animal Clinical Pathology (ISACP), October 30-November 1, 2020


Althouse, G. C., Kauffold, J., & Rossow, S. (2019). Diseases of the Reproductive System. In Diseases of Swine (pp. 373–392).

Armstrong, A. R., Wünschmann, A., Rigatti, L. H., & Klein, E. C. (2019). Clostridium difficile Enterocolitis in a Captive Geoffroy’s Spider Monkey (Ateles geoffroyi) and Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Veterinary Pathology, 56(6), 959–963.

Betlach, A. M., Maes, D., Garza‐Moreno, L., Tamiozzo, P., Sibila, M., Haesebrouck, F., … Pieters, M. (2019). Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae variability: Current trends and proposed terminology for genomic classification. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, (May), tbed.13233.

Chen, F., Knutson, T. P., Rossow, S., Saif, L. J., & Marthaler, D. G. (2019). Decline of transmissible gastroenteritis virus and its complex evolutionary relationship with porcine respiratory coronavirus in the United States. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 1–12.

Chen, F., Knutson, T. P., Braun, E., Jiang, Y., Rossow, S., & Marthaler, D. G. (2019). Semi-quantitative duplex RT-PCR reveals the low occurrence of Porcine Pegivirus and Atypical Porcine Pestivirus in diagnostic samples from the United States. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 66(3), 1420–1425.

 Christopher-Hennings, J., Erickson, G. A., Hesse, R. A., Nelson, E. A., Rossow, S., Scaria, J., & Slavic, D. (2019). Diagnostic Tests, Test Performance, and Considerations for Interpretation. In Diseases of Swine (pp. 75–97).

Estrada, A. A., Gottschalk, M., Rossow, S., Rendahl, A., Gebhart, C., & Marthaler, D. G. (2019). Serotype and Genotype (Multilocus Sequence Type) of Streptococcus suis Isolates from the United States Serve as Predictors of Pathotype. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, (June).

Henriksen, M. de L., Sharkey, L., Franzen-Klein, D., Wünschmann, A., Teixeira, L. B. C., Dubielzig, R., & Willette, M. (2019). Bilateral Anterior Uveitis in a Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) With a Metastatic Pectoral Malignant Mesenchymoma. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 33(2), 171.

Manning, L. K., Wünschmann, A., Armién, A. G., Willette, M., MacAulay, K., Bender, J. B., Buchweitz, J. P., Redig, P. (2019). Lead Intoxication in Free-Ranging Bald Eagles ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ). Veterinary Pathology, 56(2), 289–299.

Perez AM, Linhares DCL, Arruda AG, VanderWaal K, Machado G, Vilalta C, Sanhueza JM, Torrison J, Torremorell M, Corzo CA. (2019). Individual or Common Good? Voluntary Data Sharing to Inform Disease Surveillance Systems in Food Animals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6, 194.

Pieters, M. G., & Maes, D. (2019). Mycoplasmosis. In Diseases of Swine (pp. 863–883).

 Resende, T. P., Marshall Lund, L., Rossow, S., & Vannucci, F. A. (2019). Next-Generation Sequencing Coupled With in situ Hybridization: A Novel Diagnostic Platform to Investigate Swine Emerging Pathogens and New Variants of Endemic Viruses. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6(November), 1–6.

Resende, T. P., Pieters, M., & Vannucci, F. A. (2019). Swine conjunctivitis outbreaks associated with Mycoplasma hyorhinis. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 104063871986576.

Robbins, R. C., Betlach, A. M., MondragonEvans, M. R., & Pieters, M. (2019). Development of a herd-specific lung homogenate for exposure to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae under field conditions. Journal of Swine Health and Production, 27(4), 221–227.

Schwabenlander, M., Buchweitz, J. P., Smith, C. E., & Wünschmann, A. (2019). Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury Concentrations in the Livers of Free-Ranging Common Garter Snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) from Minnesota, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 55(4), 973.

Torrison, J., & Cameron, R. (2019). Integumentary System. In J. J. Zimmerman, L. A. Karriker, A. Ramirez, K. J. Schwartz, G. W. Stevenson, & J. Zhang (Eds.), Diseases of Swine (Vol. 1, pp. 292–312).

Trevisan, G., Linhares, L. C. M., Crim, B., Dubey, P., Schwartz, K. J., Burrough, E. R., Main, R. G., Sundberg, P., Thurn, M., Lages, P. T. F., Corzo, C. A., Torrison, J., Henningson, J., Herrman, E., Hanzlicek, G. A., Raghavan, R., Marthaler, D., Greseth, J., Clement, T., Christopher-Hennings, J., Muscatello, D., Linhares, D. C. L. (2019). Macroepidemiological aspects of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus detection by major United States veterinary diagnostic laboratories over time, age group, and specimen. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0223544.

Vannucci, F. A., Gebhart, C. J., & McOrist, S. (2019). Proliferative Enteropathy. In Diseases of Swine (pp. 898–911).

Whitten TV, Brayshaw G, Patnayak D, Alvarez J, Larson CM, Root Kustritz M, Holzbauer SM, Torrison J, Scheftel JM (2019). Seroprevalence of Brucella canis antibodies in dogs entering a Minnesota humane society, Minnesota, 2016–2017. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 168(October 2018), 90–94.

Wünschmann, A., Armién, A. G., Childress, A. L., Wellehan, J. F. X., & Giannitti, F. (2019). Intrapericardial Encephalitozoon pogonae –associated arteritis with fatal hemopericardium in two juvenile central bearded dragons. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 31(3), 467–470.