There are three changes to BVD Ear Notch Screening
2) A new fee which will be applied only to cases for which we receive samples that are not in the preferred sample containers, and/or in which samples containers are received with animal IDs written on the containers (e.g. - 14207, 34591, Daisy, Mabel, ...) instead of being serially numbered (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4,...). Individual animal IDs should be recorded on the submission form, on a separate piece of paper, or in a spreadsheet file provided to the lab for direct upload into our information management system, with the animal IDs arranged in the correct order so as to correspond to the serial numbers you apply to the sample containers (e.g. - 1 = 14207, 2 = 34591, 3 = Daisy, 4 = Mabel,...).
This new BVDV pooled ear notch organization fee will be applied on a per-pool basis, at $20 per pool tested, for cases meeting the criteria stated above. Cases received with samples in the preferred containers and for which the containers are serially numbered will NOT incur this additional per-pool fee. Cases received after January 1, 2023, will be evaluated for the applicability of this fee.
3) The third item clarifies a policy we will be applying to any PCR positive or PCR suspect pools. For any pool with a positive or suspect PCR result, we will be automatically testing the individual samples which make up the pool using the BVD antigen capture ELISA (ACE) test. Per our website, each BVDV ACE test is $5.46 per sample tested (Link to BVDV ACE test online catalog entry). This will allow for the individual identification of BVDV infected animals.